Sunday, 6 April 2014

John Stezaker - Visual Research


John Stezaker is an artist that attended the Slade School of Art in London, Graduating with a Higher Diploma in Fine Art in 1973. This work was mainly to react against the dominant pop art. By using images found in books, magazines and postcards he then creates his art. The whole point of his art is documentation of the truth, showing memory and the symbol of the modern culture.


As you can see withi this piece John has used an image of two people and then stuck an image of a river running through, what looks like a mountain. This is showing there divide. This could be the documentation of the fact that although that they are married they will always be separate people and never be together in a sense. I really like the contrast of the image as it brings more attention to the mountains. I really like this affect and I will portray this within my work. I will experiment with this similar effect of multiple images.


Within this image as you can see there is a man within a suit and there is then a picture of a fall, which is actually a beautiful image. This could be that this guy needs to relax and set his mind free as he could be stressed within his work. It could also be due to the fact that he has a memory of when he used to be free as he may be stuck within his job.

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